10 miles south of atlanta airport
connecting with nature, caring for animals and restoring the local ecosystem in a little corner of metro atlanta
connecting with nature, caring for animals and restoring the local ecosystem in a little corner of metro atlanta
2 nigerian dwarf goats, charlie & finn
2 kunekune pigs, earl & hagan
variable number of chickens
led by randy the rooster
people who know more than we do
and graciously share their knowledge
friends, family, community
est december 15, 2023
contact us to discuss your vision
we have changing rooms and a restroom
filming with animals at their discretion
fees per hour
we gratefully accept contributions for monthly feed costs or capital projects*
"pay what you can" for eggs, u-pick muscadines, restore or whatever farm is currently producing
fees for photo shoot/film location, dance fitness classes and other special events tbd per event
*current capital projects:
-agricultural well and irrigation in big pasture / summer 2025
-lined channel from Elgin St culvert / summer 2025
-standing-height and seated-height raised garden beds
nicole's popular ATL/decatur
classes in a farm setting
farm fresh eggs as available at our roadside, self-serve egg stand